Your eyelashes might be a very tiny and fragile part of your body, but they are by no means to be undermined just because they are trivial. They make your eyes look gorgeous and feminine! It is therefore your responsibility to take care of your eyelashes and follow these tips to make them thicker and healthier.
Did You Know Herbs Can Treat Hair Loss?
Research shows that both Chinese and Western herbs can help people suffering from hair loss, also known as alopecia. If you suffer from hair loss, you are not alone. Losing your hair can be a highly emotional experience that damages your self-esteem. As a result, you would probably do just about anything to re-grow your hair, right?
Treat Dandruff with Natural Ingredients
The condition is embarrassing, and the treatment for dry scalp out there can be pretty confusing and have long, chemical-filled names. But just like most conditions, dandruff has a host of natural cures, which I’ve recently been reading about. Today, I thought I’d share them with Skrewtips readers.
Ho Shou Wu: Should You? Ancient Herb for Longevity and Hair Restoration
Once upon a time, though, ho shou wu was a crucial part of the ancient Chinese apothecary. Its delicate flowers and rapidly vining stalks were a common sight, and it was second only to ginseng in its variety of uses. Ho shou wu was, and still is, used to treat the common ill effects of old age, including appetite loss, sexual dysfunction, and, most interestingly, hair loss.
Stop Filling your Head with Toxic Colors: Make your own Natural Hair Dyes and Highlights
A growing number of Americans (and indeed people in most parts of the world) are increasingly using permanent hair dyes to get that perfect look for their hair. If you are also one of these increasing numbers, have you noticed the damage done to your hair by these chemicals-filled hair dyes, and to your health?