They say that the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes, but that’s not to say that you can’t at least delay the former. It’s certain that all of our times will come of course, but what’s not certain is when. And with the right lifestyle, the right attitude, and the right help, we can make sure that our lifespans are significantly longer.
What is Resveratrol and How Can it Help Me?
When I started doing research on resveratrol, a polpyphenic compound mostly found in grapes and red wine, it was hard to know what to focus on. There is a large amount of studies on this plant compound and its effect on preventing cancer, reducing the risk of heart disease, repairing organ injury, prolonging cell life and much more.
Anti-Aging Naturally – Does Resveratrol Reverse It All?
Research is still inconclusive in humans, but resveratrol does show very promising results as an effective antioxidant in that it inhibits free radicals in a test tube setting. However, when consumed, resveratrol levels are lower in humans, so effectiveness as an antioxidant is about the same as vitamin C.
Resveratrol and Wine for Better Health
We’re always hearing about red wine’s antioxidant properties and the possible aid it can give in preventing heart disease. Most experts agree that a glass (for women) or two (for men) of wine per day has many health benefits. For starters, red wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol, which has been shown to increase the lifespans of common worms.
Drink Wine Without Feeling the After Effects
Does good wine leave you with a bad headache or queasy feeling – especially if it’s so good that you have to drink a lot of it? Maybe it’s not that your tolerance for alcohol has waned in your older age. Maybe, additives to the wine and your own body’s ability to digest also play a role in your hang-over.