Making a decision to lead a healthy way of life and eat vital food is not something you can try for a couple of days, take a break and then start all over. On the contrary, it requires a lot of efforts and determination to resist eating your favourite foods. If done right, healthy eating can be really pleasant and enjoyable.
Top 5 Tips for Kicking Your Sugar Habit
Keeping sugar cravings and consumptions in check is essential to live hale and hearty. It’s an ingredient that kills your metabolism in the long run and provides you the calories without any beneficial nutrients. Sugar increases the harmful fats in blood and consuming a lot of sugar is linked with obesity, diabetes and even cardiac ailments.
4 Foods Your Body Needs You to Quit Cold Turkey
There are some foods you should quit cold turkey today. Your body works hard to keep you alive. Don’t make its job harder by feeding useless garbage into its systems. Think twice before you eat some foods but for others don’t think at all — just avoid them entirely!
Do Eating Disorders Relate To Diabetes?
The effects of an eating disorder on an individual with diabetes are related to both high and low blood sugar levels. High glucose levels caused by missing or a reduction of insulin dosages, leading to diabetic ketoacidosis – a potentially life-threatening condition if left untreated. Low glucose levels caused by food restriction or vomiting can lead to fainting, sweating, headaches, anxiety, blurred vision and weakness.
Helpful Diets for Substance Addiction
Addiction is a serious condition that should be treated with professional assistance. However, it can still be difficult to overcome the addiction, even after taking part in a recovery program. There are also certain foods that can help or hurt the recovery process. Regardless of who you are or your health conditions, it is important to maintain a balanced, healthy diet.
6 Weird Ingredients for Homemade Exfoliation
You have to wonder who was slathering food all over their face to make these brilliant discoveries, but we’re glad they did. It’s common knowledge now that you don’t need to spend a lot of money for good skin – just rummage through your pantry! Here are some of the weird and miraculous household ingredients that you can use for your own exfoliation recipe.
Natural and Safe Sugar Substitute
Aspartame is present in many diet drinks, and acts as a sugar substitute to give your beverage the sweetness you need without the calories. But there is another safe and healthy alternative to make your drink taste as sweet as you’d like, without the unhealthy effects of aspartame.
Diet Soda causes Diabetes
As a child, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to try the coveted fizzy drink known as soda. And when I was finally given a taste of the sugary liquid, I gagged. Soda was not what I thought it was going to be and studies are proving that it is definitely not what its manufacturers and advertisers make it out to be.
Does Chewing Gum Age You?
With all of the published studies out there, it can be confusing as to how I came to this conclusion. After all, the Wrigley Science Institute claims that chewing gum can relieve stress, while a UT Southwestern oral surgeon claims that constant chewing can lead to TMJ and muscle spasms and pain.
The Truth about Diabetes: Myths Debunked
When I screen them for Diabetes and when the test results are positive for high blood sugars, patients greet me with a plethora of emotions. As a physician, it is obvious to me that there are many myths about diabetes. I would like to dispel some common myths on Diabetes.