They say that the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes, but that’s not to say that you can’t at least delay the former. It’s certain that all of our times will come of course, but what’s not certain is when. And with the right lifestyle, the right attitude, and the right help, we can make sure that our lifespans are significantly longer.
Water Fast to Heal Illness
Fasting with only water is the most challenging form of fasting. Fasting, though, is the ancient and traditional way to turn the focus back to your body and its physiological needs. In particular, fasting on only water is the fastest way to detoxify your body and help it restore its functionality.
Detoxing with “Master Cleanse”
The difference between juice fasts and the kinds of fasts specifically for detox is that they can be much more difficult to deal with. They are quite rigorous and mostly involve no solid food of any kind; for many people, this makes cleansing fasts a kind of endurance feat. One of the most notorious detox fasts available out there is the Master Cleanse.
Juice Fasting for Health, Clarity, and Detox
In recent years, there’s been an increase in media coverage of periodic fasts – how they can increase your life span, help you lose weight, give you more energy, and offer other health benefits. When done right, fasting is a clarifying, interesting journey – but the process can seem intimidating, overwhelming, and downright torturous if you don’t do it correctly and safely.
Learn from a Woman who Juice-Feasted for 92 days
29 year old Angela Stokes chose to take her raw food lifestyle to the next level by completely going on a liquid (fruit and veggie) juice diet for 92 days. Unlike a juice fast, Angela did not deprive her body of calories or nutrients. She simply provided her body with easily digestible nourishment – minus the fiber.