Do you suffer from excessive blushing? Excessive facial blushing is a symptom of anxiety and affects some people so badly that they seek treatment. Excessive blushing is highly embarrassing for sufferers as they flush so easily. In this article, we will explore the causes of excessive blushing and three possible options for treatment.
Benefits Of Amino Acids
Amino acids are chemical structures that build the different types of proteins. Today we know 21 amino acids. These 21 types are separated in two main groups – essential and non-essential. They are both extremely important for the body since they are great sources of energy and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Top 5 Tips for Kicking Your Sugar Habit
Keeping sugar cravings and consumptions in check is essential to live hale and hearty. It’s an ingredient that kills your metabolism in the long run and provides you the calories without any beneficial nutrients. Sugar increases the harmful fats in blood and consuming a lot of sugar is linked with obesity, diabetes and even cardiac ailments.
Fitness for a Healthy Living
Establishing a fitness program is one of the excellent things you can do to promote health and wellness. Even if you are single or married, it can reduce your exposure to chronic diseases. It can do wonders for your balance and coordination, help you in weight loss, and increase overall self-confidence.
4 Foods Your Body Needs You to Quit Cold Turkey
There are some foods you should quit cold turkey today. Your body works hard to keep you alive. Don’t make its job harder by feeding useless garbage into its systems. Think twice before you eat some foods but for others don’t think at all — just avoid them entirely!
What is Resveratrol and How Can it Help Me?
When I started doing research on resveratrol, a polpyphenic compound mostly found in grapes and red wine, it was hard to know what to focus on. There is a large amount of studies on this plant compound and its effect on preventing cancer, reducing the risk of heart disease, repairing organ injury, prolonging cell life and much more.
Stress Causes Cancer !!! Learn Natural Stress Relief Techniques
The most empowering way to eliminate stress, however, is through the thought process. Your view of life, as it presents itself to you, determines your reaction to it; even on a physiological level. Stress can be cut off at the root by maintaining a positive attitude, and an inner faith that you can meet life’s challenges with strength and success.
Heart Health: Natural Ways to Avoid Coronary Artery Disease, Part 2
Overall, Coronary Heart Disease is very prevalent in all the continents and causes a lot of mortality and morbidity in adults often in the early forties. However, it is not a death sentence if one suffers a heart attack. Prevention and early diagnosis is very important.
Heart Health: Natural Ways to Avoid Coronary Artery Disease, Part 1
Did you know that some 7 million Americans suffer from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), the most common form of heart disease? Although medical treatments for heart disease have come a long way, controlling risk factors remains the key to preventing illness and death from CHD that is said to be the diseases of kings and the king of diseases.
Go Nuts and Feel Good About It!
Who knew that splurging on nuts could render so many health benefits? Well, apparently The Body Ecology Diet staff has an idea or two about how powerful these crunchy snacks can be when eaten correctly. “Their mix of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber will help you feel full and suppress your appetite,” says Judy Caplan, MS, RD, the media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.