Making a decision to lead a healthy way of life and eat vital food is not something you can try for a couple of days, take a break and then start all over. On the contrary, it requires a lot of efforts and determination to resist eating your favourite foods. If done right, healthy eating can be really pleasant and enjoyable.
Clean Your First Aid Kit from Antibiotics – Here Is the Reason Why
Your first aid kit is a very important item for you, of course, as it can help you in cases of emergencies for various injuries and other health problems when there is no need to consult a physician. Just as important, you need to regularly check this kit’s contents for expiry dates and remove any medicine that is out of date in it.
How to Listen to Your Body
The human body has also come equipped with several warning systems which, if listened to, provide insight into the body’s inner workings. Many times, we attempt to treat these warnings with drugs and unhealthy foods that only address the symptoms, but don’t necessarily fix the underlying problems.
Benefits Of Amino Acids
Amino acids are chemical structures that build the different types of proteins. Today we know 21 amino acids. These 21 types are separated in two main groups – essential and non-essential. They are both extremely important for the body since they are great sources of energy and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
4 Foods Your Body Needs You to Quit Cold Turkey
There are some foods you should quit cold turkey today. Your body works hard to keep you alive. Don’t make its job harder by feeding useless garbage into its systems. Think twice before you eat some foods but for others don’t think at all — just avoid them entirely!
Asthma-Safe Home For Your Child: Clear Your Home Of Asthma Triggers
If your child has asthma, preventive measures must be taken. The quality of air that you breathe at home can make a huge difference because asthma can be triggered by allergens and irritants that are usually found at home. Help your child breathe easier by clearing your home of asthma triggers.
How Do You Know If Something Is Organic?
These days, it can be difficult to know what you are actually purchasing, unless you happen to have extensive experience with organic chemistry. Although it seemed that going organic would simplify your purchase options, you’re discovering that’s far from the case. So how do you know that what you’re buying is what you want, especially when it comes to organic skin care products?
Roundup Ready Plants are Deadly, Not Friendly
Crops with Roundup Ready plants can be sprayed with Roundup Herbicide and not kill Genetically Modified plants. Sounds too good to a farmer that struggles with weeds. The problem is what really happens. Roundup, the herbicide, has apparently been linked to birth defects and reportedly banned from use in provincial areas in Argentina where GM soy is grown.
Going Green is the Shit!
Okay… not “shit”… but I meant “cool!” Going green and eating green foods is definitely cool. But it doesn’t have to be hard to eat food that is free of chemicals and poisons. Being green has come to mean many things, but for most, it stands for reducing your footprint upon the earth, therefore eating green means to make sure the food on your table didn’t travel too far to get to you.
Do You Like Getting Poisoned When Eating Fish?
Are you up to date with the dangers of mercury in fish? With all the buzz about the amazing benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, many people are making fish a bigger part of their diets. But the fact that nearly all fish and shellfish contain mercury has most of us questioning whether or not it’s a good health choice.
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