There are some foods you should quit cold turkey today. Your body works hard to keep you alive. Don’t make its job harder by feeding useless garbage into its systems. Think twice before you eat some foods but for others don’t think at all — just avoid them entirely!
New All-Vegan “Eco-Atkins” Diet Shown to Reduce Bad Cholesterol
One thing that the Atkins Diet has consistently failed to do is reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol – (LDL-C, that is, the “bad” cholesterol). This is because of the high levels of meat and dairy that the Atkins diet requires in order to be effective. Now, Dr. David J. A. Jenkins has made news by coming up with a potential alternative – the “Eco-Atkins” diet – a low-carb, high-protein, entirely vegan regimen.
What’s Your Beef? Your burger’s journey from the pasture to the plate plays a major role in your health
Even amidst the hype about links between red meat, cancer and cholesterol, some of us can’t deny those cravings for a good steak. But, we can avoid some of the most harmful side effects of consuming beef, if we’re conscious.