Making a decision to lead a healthy way of life and eat vital food is not something you can try for a couple of days, take a break and then start all over. On the contrary, it requires a lot of efforts and determination to resist eating your favourite foods. If done right, healthy eating can be really pleasant and enjoyable.
Oatmeal: Tasty, Convenient, and Very Healthy
Oatmeal is one of those foods that everyone probably grew up on. I know my parents made me eat it (or some variation of it) every day throughout my entire childhood. I abandoned oatmeal for about five years when I grew up and moved out, but I went back and now it’s a regular part of my diet.
Diet Hacker – Slicing up the Super Food Debate
Some foods and herbs command the respect and honor of the title “super” because of their completeness and the amount of nutrition packed into each bite. And, other so-called supers, like milk, yogurt and turkey breast top off my Danger List. Yeah, some of these super foods are not only un-super, but they can potentially harm us.